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Resonance Paintings - Nymphéas, Hangar 107 / Normandie Impressionniste 2024

Resonance Paintings - Nymphéas
Solo Show
23 May to 21 July 2024 | Normandie Impressionniste 2024, Hangar 107, France
107 allée François Mitterrand, 76100 Rouen France 
Wednesday — Sunday 2 pm to 6 pm

Working with his training in musical composition, Beer combines pure musical harmonies with vibrations to cause the pigment to form undulating geometric patterns on the canvas. For his solo show Resonance Paintings - Nymphéas, as part of Normandie Impressionniste 2024, he draws inspiration from Claude Monet's famous Nymphéas (Waterlilies).

Beer recorded the sounds of the waterlily pond at Giverny, Monet's original inspiration. He then utilized these recordings in a unique artistic process: a loudspeaker positioned beneath a canvas oriented horizontally, covered in dry powdered pigment, vibrates in response to the pond's sounds and musical harmonies. These vibrations form undulating geometric patterns on the canvas, visually echoing the sound waves. The patterns are then fixed onto the canvas through a technique developed by the artist, capturing the ephemeral nature of sound in a permanent visual form.

Displayed at the Hangar 107, these paintings find an immersive home. The space's monumental walls and the flowing Seine visible through expansive windows create a dialogue between the artwork and its environment and providing a profound sensory experience.

For further insights, you can watch an excerpt of 'Claude Monet - 150 d'impressionnisme' produced by Arte / Twist dedicated to the show below or the full episode here

Video above produced by InstanT productions.

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